Digital Resources & Interactives for Student Success
Students around the globe vary in the challenges they face when it comes to reading.  From learning disabilities to language barriers, students struggle with ways to connect to what they are reading, understand it at their appropriate level and even relate to the written language and word choices outside of their normal range of use.  These barriers keep students from fully engaging with the text and often from fully comprehending its content.  These websites and resources have been collected to help your students find ways to read online, search electronic texts for content they can enjoy and use for project research and even help to build their reading comprehension through various learning tools and programs.
Free reading program assistant for teachers - click image for FREE ACCESS LINK. Text-to-speech to hear words, passages, or whole documents read aloud with easy-to-follow dual color highlighting • Text and picture dictionaries to see the meaning of words explained • And speech-to-text for easy dictation.